2024 Capital Improvement Project
Proposed Capital Project would provide needed updates with NO TAX IMPACT
On October 29, 2024, Oswego City School District residents approved a $46.5 million capital project with zero tax impact. The project will be funded through state aid and capital reserves, with no additional cost to taxpayers. The improvements will focus on increasing safety and efficiency in our buildings, while addressing structural, accessibility, and learning needs. These upgrades will help ensure that we maintain and improve our buildings and facilities.
This project proposal includes work at each school building as well as the transportation center. Some of the improvements identified in the scope of this project include:
- HVAC upgrades
- Replacing emergency generators
- Classroom upgrades
- Lead filtration system installation
- Exterior lighting installation
- Elevator improvements
This project is an investment in our children’s future and provides much-needed maintenance and improvements to propel our district forward. We appreciate your partnership and support as we strive to provide our school community with a safe, efficient, and innovative learning environment.
How will this impact my taxes?
This project will result in no additional taxes. The total cost of the project is a little less than $46.5 million. Most of the project will be paid through building aid reimbursement from New York State. In the Oswego City School District, our aid ratio is 88.6% (which means the district will receive $.88 in reimbursement for every aidable dollar spent on the project.) This project will be funded through state building aid, retiring debt, and use of capital reserve funds.
Who does this capital project benefit?
The capital project will impact every student in our school district. The project will make needed improvements in all buildings identified by the Building Condition Survey which is required to be completed every five years. In addition, every high school student will have the opportunity to take classes in the improved technology/CTE classrooms and the gymnasiums at the high school as well as utilize the updated high school library media center. Middle School students will benefit from a redesign of the main office, nurse’s office, and counseling offices to better service the school’s students and community. Elementary students will benefit from HVAC upgrades, window replacement, playground upgrades, and generator replacements at various elementary schools.
Do we really need this capital project?
Yes, this project addresses many areas that require improvement for the safe and healthy operations of our schools. The district is required to complete a Building Conditions Survey every five years by the New York State Education Department. Capital improvement projects are a way for school districts to complete more substantial facilities work, which include upgrades, renovations and replacements as compared with regular maintenance.
What if the referendum does not pass?
Renovations identified in the Building Condition Survey and other items selected by the facilities committee are upgrades that need to be completed soon. If the referendum does not pass, those renovations would need to be done without the benefit of NYS building aid and would have to be funded within the annual school budget, with local taxpayers bearing the full cost.
Why do we need a new Capital Reserve?
The 2024 capital project only address a portion of the work identified in the Building Condition Survey. Our long-range capital improvement plan relies on Capital Reserve to pay the local share of future proposed projects. The Capital Reserve allows the board to put aside money, over several years, to fund future projects without asking for additional tax increases to fund these future Capital Projects.
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