Kingsford Park
Dr. Mary Volkomer Ed. D.
Main Office:
Phone: 315-341-2500
Fax: 315-341-2950
School Start & Dismissal:
8:45 AM - 3:30 PM
School Address:
275 West 5th Street
Oswego, New York 13126
Thank you for visiting Kingsford Park School’s website.
Whether you are just visiting or planning to become a part of our building community, we are happy you are here. This building community is a vibrant setting with engaged students, responsive faculty and staff along with an active parent organization. We are working each day to “Educate, Inspire and Empower our students.”
While educating the whole child, academics are very important but educating children by focusing on positive character attributes, enhancing relationship skills and setting high expectations, assist in realizing the district’s vision and mission. In order to best meet your needs, our Main Office is open from 8 am until 4 pm each school day and we can be reached by phone at 341-2500, or by email.
Additionally, you can communicate with your child’s teacher or building principal through our communication app called Parent Square. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices or click on the hyperlink to sign in from your internet accessible device. Although each September a district calendar is mailed out, our school webpage calendar will have the most up-to-date listing of scheduled events. To see what’s happening at KPS, view newsletters, see regular posts, and alerts using Parent Square will keep you in the loop.
Another important note is that all parents and guardians of students in the building belong to our parent organization called the KPS Home and School Association. This organization provides many events and activities throughout the school year including but not limited to arts in education presentations for students, author/illustrator visits, a school yearbook, a carnival, and support of educational events such as literacy nights. That parent group meets the second Wednesday of each month in the library from 7 pm to 8pm. This school year we are looking to meet in-person, but during the winter months virtually. The meeting reminders are posted in Parent Square. For in-person meetings please use the back entrance to our school library from the Varick Street Parking lot (next to the ice rink) to enter and join the fun. Your participation would be welcomed whether monthly or occasionally. We encourage and thank you for being a part of your child’s Kingsford Park experience.
Mary M. Volkomer, Ed. D.
School Principal