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Oswego Elementary Schools Celebrate 100th Day of School with Fun and Creativity

Students across all five Oswego elementary schools marked a milestone this week by celebrating the 100th day of school with a variety of creative activities. The day was filled with excitement as children dressed up in themed outfits, played games, and constructed projects made up of 100 objects.

Throughout the day, students showcased their creativity by using items like Legos, Fruit Loops, stickers, snacks, and more to build their unique 100-object projects. The celebration provided an opportunity for students to engage in hands-on learning while having fun with their peers.

“The 100th day of school is always a highlight for our students," said Amy Molloy, Principal of Fitzhugh Park School. "They put so much effort into their projects today, and they’ve all done such a great job so far this year."

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